The company strives "To become the most-admired Cognitive Tech-Co in Thailand" and operates in four main services.

AIS operates Mobile Communication Service with 5G and 4G technology under the brand AIS provides a monthly subscription service, top-up service as well as international calls and roaming with network partners in over 240 destinations worldwide.

Key Operation stats of Mobile Business

THB 124 Bn
Mobile Service Revenue As of FY24
As of FY24
Subscriber Market Share
As of FY24
Prepaid Subscribers
Postpaid Subscribers
Revenue Market Share
As of FY24
Covered ​
> 95% Nationwide
Population coverage​
5G Subscriber ​
12 mn subscibers
26% of mobile subscribers
1460 MHz
Spectrum bandwidth in portfolio
VOU (Average Volume of Usage)
30 GB/Data Subs/Month
ARPU (Average Revenue per user)
Blended ARPU 228 THB/subs/month

AIS provide High-speed internet broadband service under brands ‘AIS Fibre’ and ‘3BB’ which covered both of consumer and business using, leading with high service standard and cutting-edge innovation, AIS was captured high growth both of subscriber and revenue, leading other player in the industry.

Key Operation stats of Fixed Broadband Business

THB 29 bn *
Fixed Broadband Revenue
As of FY24
* Included 46 days of TTTBB's fixed broadband revenue
Total Subscriber
million *
* Under brands AIS fibre and 3BB
million households
Home pass Coverage
Thailand Broadband Penetration
Square meters Fiber area coverage
ARPU (Average Revenue per user)
FBB ARPU THB/subs/month

AIS provided Technologies and Solutions services to enterprise customer under brand ‘AIS Business’, which support technology and digital adoption to all business customer in Thailand from SME to large enterprise. With our focusing on deliver value service covered Digital Infrastructure, Digital Platform and Solutions.

7.0 bn
Enterprise (Non-Mobile) Revenue
As of FY24

Enterprise (Non-Mobile) Revenue mix
As of FY24
CCID = Cloud / Cyber Security / ICT Solutions / Data Center
EDS = Enterprise Data Service

AIS developing Digital Business to respond to fast changing consumer demand, through collaboration with partner in various type of service to expand in the new area, with focusing on 3 areas Video platform, Financing services, and Gaming platform.


Video Platform

AIS Play
content aggregator

Cover TV channel and on-demand streaming Through Partnership model with streaming owner and Content provider.

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Gaming Platform

AIS Game On

Completed online gaming platform for game top-up, gaming cash card selling, and E-sport

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AIS Cloud Game

Provide PC and Console games on smartphone anywhere and anytime

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Financing service & Insurance

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