Public Policy Participation

Apart from offering reliable connectivity and quality digital services for all, AIS is committed to driving the Thai society to embark on the digital economy, promoting digital inclusion, and addressing the climate change agenda. We recognize the importance of public policy in shaping the business environment, fostering economic growth, and promoting social well-being. Therefore, our engagement with regulatory agencies, trade associations, and industry organizations aims to contribute positively to the development of policies that support the growth and sustainable development of the industry and the economy. As we aim to play our part in achieving a sustainable future, our direction for public policy participation and our corporate strategies aligns with the goals and principles outlined in the Paris Agreement, which provides a critical framework for global action on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

We are also committed to adhere with relevant laws and regulations, as well as our ethical standards. This public policy participation framework applies to all of AIS’ business operations and subsidiaries in all jurisdictions.

See policy and procedures on political contributions and charitable contributions and sponsorships from our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

Our strategy

Our public policy participation is mainly engagement with regulatory agencies, trade and industry associations to promote dialogue and knowledge-sharing among industry peers, academia, civil society, and policymakers.

  1. Transparency
    State our positions by engaging with regulatory authorities and trade associations in a professional way and openly proposing our views through provided channels such as public hearing, focus groups, and seminars
  2. Professionalism
    Support data-driven approach and constructive dialogue in the process of public policy formulation
  3. Inclusivity and Sustainability
    We value co-existence of peers and stakeholders and aim for long-term and conducive benefits for the industry as a whole. So, we seek more voices from peers and stakeholders to leverage different perspectives and articulate our positions to contribute to the formulation of effective and balanced public policies

Key areas of our public policy engagement

1. Regulatory Authorities

I. Industry regulator and government agencies such as Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), and National Cybersecurity Committee (NCSC)

II. Other authorities for our new businesses such as The Bank of Thailand and Office of Insurance Commission

2. Trade and Industry associations relevant to our businesses

  Industry-related ESG-related
Key national agencies
  • • Telecom Association of Thailand
  • • Thailand Consumer Council
  • • The Federation of Thai Industries
  • • Thailand Business Council for Sustainable Development
Key international agencies
  • • International Telecommunication Union
  • • GSMA Association
  • • Climate Action Taskforce under GSMA Association


We recognize the importance of robust governance frameworks to guide our public policy engagement efforts. We have established the processes and clear roles and responsibilities of management and related teams to ensure our engagement aligns with the highest standards of integrity.

AIS has a Business Relations department, which is responsible for formulating strategy and action plans and providing an effective public policy engagement program that complies with all laws and regulations and internal policies. This department also reviews and monitors the progress to ensure the alignment of our public policy engagement and our corporate strategies, as well as addresses the issues in case of misalignment.

In terms of supervision, CEO and Executive Management have the roles to oversee and review our positions and engagement activities, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of our policy engagement activities to assess their impact and identify areas for improvement. The Management also provides guidance and support for the team in executing the public policy engagement activities.

The Risk Management Committee has the role to assess and monitor potential risks associated with our engagement efforts, including conflicts of interest, regulatory challenges, and reputational considerations. The Risk Committee also helps ensure that our engagement is conducted ethically and responsibly. Furthermore, the Board of Directors is responsible for effective oversight to ensure that the directions and activities on public policy engagement align with business ethics and maintain properly balanced views across various stakeholders.

Annual contributions to and spending for trade associations and industrial organization are summarized in the table below:

Total monetary contribution to external organization

  Currency FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Lobbying, interest representation or similar
Local, regional or national political campaigns / organizations / candidates
Trade associations or tax-exempt groups
Other (e.g. spending related to ballot measures or referendums)
Total contributions and other spending
Data coverage (as % of denominator, indicating the organizational scope of the reported data)
Percentage of:

Top 4 organizations that AIS supported

Name of organization Type of Organization Main purpose of organization Positiion /Engagement Total amount paid in 2023 (Baht)
1. GSM Association (GSMA)

• Climate Action Taskforce
Trade association
To shape the future of mobile communications and expand opportunities for the whole industry

Work with members to move the mobile industry towards Net Zero emissions
Support to discover how the mobile industry is playing for developing future networks, 5G, Cloud , managing digital identity and mobilizing the internet of things

Join the taskforce to learn about best practices on climate action and get support from peers in the sector to move towards Net Zero emissions
2. International Telecommunication Union
Trade association
To shape the future ICT policy and regulatory environment, global standards, and best practices to help spread access to ICT services.
Support to get an opportunities relating to ICT innovation, 5G, Big Data, Cloud , multimedia, Content & APPs and Internet of things
3. The Telecommunications Association of Thailand under the Royal Patronage
Trade association
Promote development of telecom profession and technology advancement
Support to obtain information about telecom industry and to understand the future guideline for the industry
4. Thailand Business Council for Sustainable Development
Trade association
Promote environmental awareness within the business sector under the concept of "sustainable development"
Engage with peer companies in Thailand to share knowledge and experiences in driving business sustainability practices, as well as build capacity on climate-related agenda