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2024 Q1 Q2 Q3 Full Year
Financial Statement
Management Discussion and Analysis
Conference Call Record
Conference Call Presentation
Quarterly Operating Data
Quarterly Company Snapshot (Factsheet)
Industry Background
Analyst Meeting Presentation
Analyst Meeting Webcast
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Subscriber Number of registered SIM at ending period whose status is not defined as churn
Postpaid churn Subscribers whose payment status is overdue more than 60 days from due date
Prepaid churn Subscribers who do not refill to extend their validity within 45 days or subscribers who are inactive more than 90 days
Net additions Change of number of subscribers from beginning period to ending period
Churn rate Number of subscriber disconnections in the period divided by the sum of gross new subscribers in the period and the subscribers at the beginning period
ARPU Consolidated service revenue excluding inbound international roaming and interconnect revenues divided by average of subscriber at the beginning and ending period
MOU Number of billed outgoing minutes generated from voice call including international call usage divided by average subscriber
VOU Number of billed gigabytes generated from subscriber divided by average subscriber
EBITDA margin EBITDA / Total Revenues
Interest-Bearing Debt to Equity Interest Bearing Debt / Ending Equity
Net Debt to Equity (Interest Bearing Debt - Cash) / Ending Equity
Net Debt to EBITDA (Interest Bearing Debt - Cash) / EBITDA
Net Debt to EBITDA (Incl. lease liability and spectrum license payable) (Interest Bearing Debt + Lease Liability + Spectrum License Payable - Cash) / EBITDA
Interest Coverage EBITDA / Finance cost
DSCR EBITDA * (1 - Tax Rate) / (Debt Repayment in 1 Year + Interest expense annualized)
ROA Net Profit / Average Asset Between Beginning and Ending Period
ROE Net Profit / Average Equity Between Beginning and Ending Period
Free Cash Flow (FCF) Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities - CAPEX - Lease Liability Paid
Debt to Equity Ratio (x) Total Liability / Total Equity