AIS plans to welcome employees back to the Office Divide the team into A-B, execute strict hygiene measures, confirm the guard does not down

17 May 2020: Ms. Kantima Lerlertyuttitham, as the Chief Human Resource Officer at AIS, "According to the current overall situation that the rate of detecting of the infected person is continually decreasing, which is a result of the cooperation from the people in all sectors that are doing Social Distancing, including changing lifestyle and working conditions to cope with this epidemic situation for the best. All of this directed to the announcement from the government to ease lockdown measures to stimulate the overall economy to continue and move forward."

"For AIS, the company has closely monitored the pandemic situation since the beginning. We announced the BCP plan that divides and distributes the team in the Office, along with prepared technology for WORK FROM HOME to employees from March 2020 until now. Therefore, employees can work, look after, and deliver service to customers at full efficiency. However, many employees are thinking of the atmosphere of working in the Office. "

Ms. Kantima added that "Moreover, as the situation has continuously improved, the company agreed to welcome employees back to work at the Office for 50% from Monday 18 May onwards. With the concept of "FIT FUN FAIR to overcome COVID" under hygiene measures and the highest preventative screening, including the overall of the office building, as well as the role of the employees that still adhere to the measure of Social Distancing.

The working model during the lockdown ease such as:

  • Divide the employees into A-B teams, which will shift to work in the Office for 2 weeks separately. Once the work is finished, deep cleansing will be done according to public health policies, and the other team will work in the Office, besides the company arranging flexible work times or Flexy Hour.
  • Manage new methods to use space following Social Distancing measures such as design Work Station with spaces between teams, emphasize meetings and brainstorming online, divide the time required to use the dining room, and use common areas to reduce density.
  • Screen and take the highest hygiene care such as body temperature measurement, wearing a mask at all times, sanitizing Work Station and office building space in every 30 minutes.
  • Continue to let employees avoid traveling both domestic and abroad until the situation changes.

"The opening of the Office to welcome employees back to work in this step is remarkably careful. Due to the form and way that technology is performed in every activity and process possible. However, in order to support Social Distancing and boost awareness for employees to live the FIT FUN FAIR, which is the DNA of AIS people, everyone can best cope with this epidemic." Ms. Kantima said at the end.


