AIS partners with Jaymart to enhance the digital experience for Thai customer
(28 September 2018) AIS announces synergy partnership with Jaymart as an exclusive partner which Strengthen two industry leaders among the number-one network provider and digital service provider and the number-one IT retailer with a wide range of subsidiaries. This partnership strengthens each other with the goal of bringing the best digital experience to Thai people, by providing experience of digital quality products and services from AIS through a total of 443 Jaymart stores and Singer dealers, which is a subsidiary of Jaymart, are more than 3,000 people who distributed throughout the country, down to the village and district levels.
The cooperation consists of:
- Co-distribute digital products and services from AIS in all 205 Jaymart stores across the country with more special and full range of products such as Smartphones, Gadgets, and IT devices. There will be special promotions designed exclusively for customers in both side, including the services provided by AIS that set the display shown in the store and open to customer to try and use for real such as global entertainment content, AIS fibre, and customer can subscribe the service at this point and also support transactions for AIS customers at Jaymart.
- Extend the service channel (Touch Point) deep into all areas, by providing access to the village and district levels. Turning a new dimension of network provider through over 3,000 Singer dealers to get to the customers home, and in 187 Singer Shops to break into the market directly to Singer customers base throughout the country. In the future, we will create the package that suits the lifestyle of Singer customers such as offering special privileges to buy electric equipment with SIM card and AIS fibre, including selling exclusive products and services of AIS through the IT Junction in 51 Big C stores across the country.
- AIS will bring Technology and Digital Infrastructure to enhance the business and customer service capabilities of Jaymart and its subsidiaries so that they can continue to innovate and develop new services in the future.
Mr. Pratthana Leelapanang, AIS’s Chief Consumer Business Officer, said “Today, we have the best network and coverage nationwide. So, we intend to deliver the service to customers across the country with strategically channel in our distribution to reach all of our customer’s lifestyles. In the past, we have succeeded in working with partners in many industries, including created a phenomenon through cooperation with hypermart. Today is a great pleasure to work with Jaymart the Number-one of the digital retail business. We see the opportunity and strength of Jaymart and its diverse subsidiaries. This partnership is called Win-Win to all parties. For AIS, we can expand the channel to offer more products and services to our customers. Of course, the greatest benefit is for customers that they will experience exceptional services. In the future, AIS And its subsidiaries of Jaymart will extend the cooperation to provide new services to customers continuously and it will be launched soon.”
Mr. Adisak Sukumvitaya, CEO of Jaymart, said, "Jaymart group operates the business through strong subsidiaries such as Jaymart Mobile the leader in mobile retail business and IT digital, JAS Asset the leading provider of shopping center management and real estate developer, JMT the leading provider of debt management and business loans, JP Insurance and Singer Thailand the leading direct marketing network, lending money and consumer lending services, and J. Ventures the leading of Fintech Technology, etc. We are committed to bringing our expertise and strengths in the retail business that nationwide distribution channel coverage, delivering in a wide range of products and services to all customers. Today we are delighted to partner with the number-one leading digital network partners like AIS that will bring the technology to upgrade the distribution channel to the next level, and special offers more than ever with Jaymart customers, including creating a new dimension of network services through Singer sales staffs which ones has never been done before. We are confident that this partnership will bring the strengths of each other to grow our full potential and be Deal of the Year in terms of business partnerships, and see that the exclusive signing of this collaboration is just the beginning of only trading partners. Jaymart group is in the process of studying the business cooperation between AIS and its subsidiaries and associates company more in the future."
Customer can experience the quality service of AIS from the subsidiaries stores of Jaymart group from today onwards.