AIS confident in the potential of 900 MHz frequency to empower digital networks and advance Digital Thailand

May 27, 2016: AIS has affirmed its confidence and the commercial viability of its strategy after winning the bid for the 900 MHz frequency. The company is now ready to further strength high-speed wireless broadband to its customers across Thailand. While strengthening the AIS network, the addition of the 900 MHz service also empowers the country to advance the Digital Infrastructure for Thailand, ultimately helping Thailand’s economy to thrive.

Mr. Somchai Lertsutiwong, Chief Executive Officer of Advanced Info Service PLC., said: “As the winner of the 900 MHz frequency bid organized by the NBTC (National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission) failed to make its payment, AIS, as a result, won the second bid at 75,654 million baht.

“The company affirms that its bid for the 900 MHz frequency was made based on cautiously-considered decisions in every aspect. In terms of financial return, the company hired a consulting firm to conduct research for our consideration. The decision was approved by the company’s Board of Executives.

“We believe the 900 MHz frequency will yield benefits to users as well as contribute to the long-term growth of Thailand’s digital infrastructure. This is because wireless internet technology is part of the future that both the company and the country are striving toward. Our newly acquired 900 MHz frequency is, therefore, an expansion that reinforces the AIS wireless network, specifically in terms of its quality for our customers’ use.

“In addition, it represents further development of Thailand’s digital infrastructure based on AIS’s capability and its policy to grow alongside strategic partners as part of a digital ecosystem. The latter enables us to develop novel digital services, such as those supporting the Internet of Things, which are beneficial at the individual, organizational and public levels. For the public, it makes communication even more efficient for people in many areas including remote communities, importantly for activities such as water management.”

“The 900 MHz frequency will contribute to digital network development in every area of the country. Services will be more efficient while responding better to demand of smartphones and mobile internet, which are both expanding into remote provinces, offering a broader scope of coverage and quantitative expansion alike. Its low frequency makes it possible to transmit signals farther. Together with the 2100 MHz and 1800 MHz frequencies that the company already has in hand, the AIS network has become stronger with higher quality, resulting in the ultimate benefits for our customers.”

“Above all, having the 900 MHz frequency in hand means the company can continue to take care of users of its 2G network without any interruption, putting an end to the ambiguity that has existed in the telecommunication industry since the end of 2015. Nonetheless, AIS will keep offering inviting packages for these users to switch to 3G and 4G technology in order that they may benefit from it in the future.”

“The 900 MHz frequency bid is not only our biggest investment in digital networks, resulting in AIS having the strongest communication network, but is also an injection of money into the overall economy. The payment for the bid will be used for national development, creating more investments in supporting businesses. Ultimately, this will be beneficial for the country’s development.”

Mr. Somchai emphasized: “With our employees’ capability and the company’s commitment, I want to assure every group of stakeholders that our users can confidently rely on the quality of all services from AIS, today and in the future.

“At the same time, investors can rest assured that this investment was made based on rational decision-making that took into account the overall growth in popularity of digital services among Thai people. For the general public, people will benefit from a higher quality of life enabled by digital technology.

“Importantly, expansion of digital services will ultimately be profitable for the country’s economy because with stronger telecommunication infrastructure, other industries will be able to strive forward with no limitations.”
