AIS expressing their gratitude toward Customers Today it reach 5 million of 4G customer in their 2 months old network

2 March 2016; Mr. Pratthana Leelapanang, Executive Vice President – Marketing of AIS says "Since we received allowance in serving the 1800 MHz from the NBTC Auction in December 2015, we carried on developing the service AIS 4G Advanced rapidly to offer the quality service in 4G to all Thai people.

We launched the service to share experience in 4G in December 2015 and operated the full operation on 26 January 2016. Nowadays, we have extended the network coverage for 59 provinces and expect to reach all over the country in the midyear of 2016 under the investment of 40,000 million baht."

In addition to the rapid network expansion, we also improve the functional package with hi-speed and intensive signal to be the first provider in Thailand to offer the best experience in 4G to the customers.

Therefore, currently, we have been trusted by the our customers using AIS 4G Advanced, more than 5 million in about 2 months. This is a great success and encouragement for us, AIS to continue developing all kinds of services from now on.
