AWN announcing to launch full services of AIS 4G on 1800 MHz in January 2016
4 December 2015: AWN announced the plan to provide full services of AIS 4G on 1800 MHz in January 2016 with investment of 14,520 millions baht.
Mr. Somchai Lertsutiwong, Chief Executive Office - Advanced Wireless Network Co., Ltd. or AWN, in AIS Group said "Having been allowed to provide service with the wave with 1800 MHz from National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission since 25 November 2015, the company rapidly proceed an operation to create the most benefits from its potential for all Thai people according to the willing of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission and the government. "
"Actually, we rapidly set up 4G network on the wave with 1800 MHz while we presented the documents for operation to National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission accordingly.
- Social responsibility plan like a project for social responsibility to get rid of electronic waste, service for disability or etc.
- Consumer protection plan presented to the committee like request acceptance, the process to create understanding of station setting and etc.
- Continuous presenting request for setting and use of equipment for based station
- Preparation for creating service pricing structure according to the requirement of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission
To sum up, to provide the proper service of AIS 4G according to the requirement of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, the company also prepare 14,450 millions for the beginning investment on services of 4G on 1800MHz
"Today we would like to ensure our plans are ready to provide full services of 4G on 1800 MHz in January 2016, as well as ready for customer services, digital services, and preparation for convenience in 4G Handset to customers. Moreover, to offer an experience in AIS 4G Network, customers will be allowed to try the service with free of charge within December 2015. "
Mr. Somchai emphasized that 'On behalf of all employee, we promise to present the services for AIS 4G soonest for our Thai people and our strong digital economy certainly.